Techno-feel | Vintage | Shanghai style

The continuation of the “modern” of neoclassicism

Connect the style of the public area of the original building and the new space design in terms of spatial emotion

to balance the relationship between the new and the old, the contemporary and the historical

The original public area design is extremely harmonious with the new design

The smooth arc ceiling is a subtle sense of technology

Like the mysterious rhythm of a black hole in the universe,

The combination of materials brings the retro style of old Shanghai villas

The combination of retro materials is blended with contemporary materials, which brings out more brand characteristics in the contrast of materials

Just like the city of Shanghai, it merges the classic and the future

Project name|Shanghai Haydon Black Hole

Project type|Commercial space

Project address: Shanghai, China

Design company|Various Associates

Chief creative designer: Lin Qianyi, Yang Dongzi

Design team | Li Shiqi, Chen Ke, Qiu Liying

Completion time|2021.12